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Poesía recomendada

Evil In‐Yeon


Human beings!

Do not make me speak of

Courage and truth now.

Too exhausted to wait,

I became another person.

Getting away from a god of destiny

That is building an evil In‐Yeon,

I am hiding myself in the crowd of open‐eyed blind people,

Even though you happen to see me now,

Do not say that you know me.

Malvado Inyeon

Sertes humanos!

No me hagáis hablar del coraje y la verdad ahora.

Demasiado cansado de esperar

me he convertido en otra persona.

Escapando del dios del destino

construyendo un malvado inyeon

me escondo entre la multitud de los ciegos con los ojos abiertos

incluso aunque me veas ahora, 

no digas que me conoces.

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