Chapter 8. Law of Cause and Effect
The law of cause and effect is the eternal promise that exists in our world.
We call this promise truth.
I will explain things of the world by this law.
Five blessings of the world
One is the mind that repents
One is the mind that prays
One is the mind that wants to know truth
One is the mind that serves
One is the mind that delivers the meaning.
The words of a lonely man
The reason why people do not know me
Is that my words are humble.
The reason why people in the future come to know me
Is that my words are true.
Virtue 2
Not trying to enlighten the blind's mind
Is abandoning my virtue;
Awakening the their sleep
Is making me lonely.
Blessing 2
If you abandon three greeds,
You will be able to bless yourself;
If you earn three good things,
You will be able to bless the world.
Eye to see truth
The eye with the eyesight of 20/20
Can see all the things
That the eye with the eyesight of 20/2 can see.
But in the same conditions
The eye with the eyesight of 20/2
Can not see all the things
That the eye with the eyesight of 20/20 see.
The mind is like this.
People do not stay
Near a true man
Just as fish do not play
In clean water
The way(Do, 道) that a wrong person teaches
Is just to embllish a heard story.
The way(Do, 道) of a good person
Is just to see everyday life which is close by.
Way and virtue
There being no peace in the world
Is due to there being no way;
There being no happiness in the world
Is due to there being no virtue.
If your mind is dark
you will lose discernment;
If you seek the way(Do, 道) with greed
You will get disaster.
Disaster and blessing
The origins of all the diseases lie in the mind;
The origins of all the blessings lie in the body.
If you are aware of virtue, you will fear attachment and greed;
If you quit attachment and greed, you come to know the things of the world.
Even if you only live one single day
You will have to cherish your life.
Life is connected to the destiny of your endless future.
A bright world exists under the fair law;
A dark world exists under the wrong law.
Good Root
A mind without good root
Is like being color‐blind.
Truth always exists.
The reason why a person cannot see even the facts which are put in front of him
Is that the person does not have a good mind.
The words of the enlightened man are like running water;
The words of a stupid man are like stagnant water.
The greatest way(Do, 道)
Means what returns to the very starting point.
The truth
When you are to know facts
First you must see their causes.
When you try to see a good thing
First you must make a good cause;
When you try to escape a wrong thing
You must not make a trouble.
A man who opens his eyes sees the blind;
The blind can not see a man who opens his eyes.
An ignorant person comes to lose the self;
A man who does not make an effort comes to lose the world.
Accordingly as good meanings are piled up
A bright mind comes into being;
Accordingly as attachment is piled up
A dark mind comes into being.
You can see a true mind when you know the things of the world;
You can see a stupid mind when you have a greed.
Those who had killed an innocent man
made six million of their descendants give up their lives.
What I see through living
Conscience makes oneself shine,
Justice makes the world shine.
Advice and humility
Advice is like a tonic;
Humility is like treasure.
Flattery and Arrogance
Flattery is like opium;
Arrogance is like poison.
If I did not do what I have to do
It would become my own unhappiness;
If I did not keep what I have to keep
It would become the world's unhappiness.
Blessing 3
Among what you get from the world
The greatest blessing
Is to know yourself.
Truth(Way) exists in facts;
Truths are its evidence
An enlightened man does not have affection;
A stupid man does not have right and wrong.
Difference between true way and evil way
Those who believe in the true way think highly of facts;
Those who believe in the evil way do not.
Mind of big‐hearted man and small‐hearted man
The life of a great person(大人) displays stinginess towards the self;
The life of a bad person(小人) displays stinginess towards others.
Faith is the belief in the truth(眞理).
Faith without the truth causes a mind to be sick.
Way of an enlightened being(道人)
When you try to awake the world, there are conflicts;
If you know the way(Do, 道), you experience things which make you feel lonely.
The solitude of a true person originates from knowing sins;
The reason why stupid people deserted the true person is that they do not know sins.
Way of a truthful person
What’s harder
Than becoming the object of the mockery of ten thousands of people
Is to deceive just one stupid person.
That meaning
The reason why the road of hell is full is that minds are dark;
The reason why the road of heaven is solitary is that the world is dark.
You come to know the biggest blessings by enlightenment;
The biggest sins come out by ignorance.
Natural consequences of one's own deeds
When alive, those who bear others' burdens
Take off their own burdens after death;
When alive, those who hide their own burdens
Add more burdens and bear it after death.
Words of the enlightened being
Those who open their eyes see the world;
Those who close their eyes see illusion.
The reason why people do not follow the enlightened being
is that the teaching is only facts.
Among what has existed so far
The righteous one is born by the meaning of heaven;
The world blooms by the law of cause and effect.